We love helping couples experience enjoyable, connected marriages! We have been married for 27 years and serving couples like you for 13 of those years. Along the way, we pursued Biblical Counseling, Life Coaching and both went back to school to better serve couples who are stuck, have trauma in their stories or just want to be the best they can be! We also became Married for a Purpose Coaches to add private weekend intensives to our calling to help couples find their purpose and glorify God in their marriage!

David is a Christian Meditative Therapist and Joy is a Licensed Professional Counselor. We have a private practice on a quaint square in the Midwest, lead retreats and conferences, have taught internationally and love any opportunity to help transform individuals and marriages. Together we are passionate about decreasing the divorce rate by increasing marriage connection, unity and fun! 

We teach couples the skills we wish we had been given! A healthy ME is a healthy WE, so we love helping individuals become free-indeed, live from their identity in Christ and be engaged in creating fulfilling relationships!

Meet David & Joy...
We are Legacy Builders teaching people to 
lean into adversity & live VICTORIUOSLY!

Married for a Purpose Marriage Coaches

David: Christian Meditative Therapy Coach

Joy: Licensed Professional Counselor & Coach
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