1st Annual Four-States YOUR Marriage Matters
Pastor Couples ONLY Marriage Retreat 
February 1-3, 2024
Baxter Springs, KS

Enjoy a much-needed time of rest, fun and being ministered to as a couple! You'll leave revitalized with a practical plan for prioritizing your marriage in 2024!
 Ministry Couples ONLY in a Safe, Nonjudgmental Space
 Share Enjoyable Experiences & Make New Memories Together 
 Spend 3 days Focusing on Each Other & Growing Your Relationship
 Gain New Understanding & Skills to Leverage & Appreciate Your Differences
 Discover Language & Strategies to Model & Support Marriage in Your Congregation
 Leave with a Personalized Gameplan for Keeping the Momentum of Prioritizing Each Other!
✓ Package Includes Great Meals, Workbook, and Resources for Keeping Connected and Refreshed
✓ 3 Days & 2 Nights in a NEW Boutique Hotel Suite to Relax and Reconnect Close to Home
✓ FREE Time to Just BE Together, Great Worship Band, and Practical Communication
  • ✓ Affordable Yearly Time to Focus on Your Most Important Earthly Relationship
  • ✓ 5 Powerful Sessions for Insight & Skills to be Closer Than Ever!

JUST $495 - ONLY 24 Couples
$200 Deposit & Payment Plans Available