Married for a Purpose Reboot

2-Day Intensive Retreat

All-inclusive getaway for Christian couples to move
from feeling stuck & disconnected 
to discovering their united purpose together!


✓ Transform into seeing the best, believing the best and speaking the best about each other

✓ Gain understanding and skills to leverage and appreciate your purposeful differences

✓ Explore authentic ways to feel truly valued and accepted by one another

✓ Breakthrough to intentionally pursue unity and connection

✓ Discover common ground worth fighting for together

✓ Mine out YOUR Marriage Vision and Purpose


✓ Private 2-day all-inclusive retreat where we pamper you in our home

✓  Proven Process taking you through 8 domains of life to connect more deeply

✓ Yearlong follow-up including every other week live Coaching Calls with Q&A and

✓ 12-month membership to a virtual series of 5-videos with workbooks for continued transformation

✓ Signature Binder of entire process including SMART Goals for living out your Marriage Vision

✓ Six 30-minute follow-up Zoom Coaching sessions for continued momentum

Payment Plans Available!
 revitalize our MARRIAGE!